Hey Kids, Let’s Make Dump Cake!

I have a lot of respect for what I call “hard-core foodie” campers – the ones who are serious about their “vittles,” always eating well while camping, in spite of  what are sometimes quite primitive cooking conditions.   These amazing folks go the extra…

Peanut Scare

I didn’t have enough time to practice with my sword,” Arthur said, looking with dejection at the flopping piece of cardboard in his hand. “When it came up against your awesome dragon costume, it had really zero chance.” “It’s okay,” Millicent…

Curious About Cats – “Do Cats Have Nine Lives?”

Sources: Article from Purina, Image by Юрий Сидоренко from Pixabay “Curious About Cats – Do Cats Have Nine Lives” is an article by Jamie Hershberger. Click here to read a random post! Our feline friends offer lots to explore – furry companionship and so much…