Jamie Hershberger now offers Feedback for writers!
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Book a package with Jamie Hershberger today and receive personalized feedback, encouragement, and support for your writing journey!
Feedback & Support Packages for Writers at Any Stage of the Journey
Encouragement & Support
For Introverted Writers, or Those with Limited Access to/Tolerance for Writing Groups
Writing can be so isolating, and so often one wishes for just one person with whom they could just sit down and talk writing, or with whom they could brainstorm about that tricky plot problem. Yet, the idea of joining a group of strangers in an effort to find someone you “click” with can be daunting. I get it. I’ve been there! Let me be your writing buddy “dream come true!” We’ll spend thirty whole minutes together and all the focus will be on your journey and your work.
Feedback on Your Writing
You’ve watched “The Feeding of the Backs” on The Christian Indie Writers’ Podcast and want YOUR back “fed”
You’ve watched Jamie, Tina, Rhonda and Jen provide positive feedback only for their writing sprints. Now you can receive the same attention for your work! Only, when you Book a Feedback + One-On-One session with Jamie Hershberger, you’ll have the option to receive and both positive feedback and thoughtful, helpful critique on up to 1500 words of your writing! PLUS, you’ll receive a 30 minute one-on-one session to reveiw this feedback in depth.
Your Personal Writing Cheerleader
You make your family and friends CRAZY going on (and on…and on…) about your book
You are (rightfully!) obsessed with your book, so it makes sense that you would want to talk about it 24/7! But after watching your nearest and dearests’ eyes glaze over, you’ve started to hold back, and are just longing for someone to come into your life who would actually love to hear about your book. The good news is, that person exists; it’s me, Jamie Hershberger! Book a Fangirl Sesh with me so we can talk about all the fun stuff the non-writing peeps in your life just don’t get! I can’t wait to sit down with you and a cuppa for 30 minutes to dish about your characters!
Increased Momentum and Accountability
You need more than one session to keep a good thing going
It’s natural that once we’ve met to discuss your work, you’ll want to keep on meeting. I’ve built packages that include several 30 minute sessions that you can book so that we can keep meeting, be it once per month, bi-weekly, or even every week! You get one whole year from the date of purchase to book your sessions. The best part – these packages are offered at a reduced price when compared to the same number of sessions booked individually. It’s a win/win!