Wonder is a Poem by J. R. Nichols. Click here to read a random post!
I remember being a dawdling child.
I never realized before,
My life was full of wonder back then. I was more patient, more observant.
I had no where else to go. No one was somewhere, waiting for me.
Finding myself in a similar state, in the middle of my morning shower –
I tried to look at life the way I used to back then.
I trap the water within a self-embrace, then open my arms and watch it fall to the shower pan.
I think, “I’m creating 1980’s paint spatter art, or perhaps a music video for the J. Giles Band.”
I tip my chin and focus my attention
My goal is to feel water spray against every part of my face.
The streams of water are individual droplets.
I can guide the streams with the tips of my fingers.
It tickles.