Podcast Sprint 02/07/2020

I’m going to start keeping my writing sprints for The Christian Indie Writers’ Show here. Join in if you’d like! Take a stab at the prompt then post to TCIP’s social media accounts:

RULES – fifteen minutes to write on given prompt. We do not edit these before sharing, so be kind. (I may have changed some of my words to “headings” to help with ease of reading, but I made no grammatical or structural changes to the work.)

THIS WEEK’S PROMPT – (as pictured, lol): “Write a love note to your cleaning lady.”

Have Fun. (That’s an order)

Dear Riley,

It’s funny how it happens…you have a baby, and it is all helpless and sweet. You have to do everything for her. After a few weeks of this, it is just the way things are – you co-exist with an essentially helpless person. 

How pitiful you were, screaming in frustration that you could not make your arm go where you wanted it to go, that you could not get up to follow Daddy and I when we put you in your crib at night, that you could not just do everything yourself

Funny how I did not recognize your frustration for what it was then. It is likely I mistook it for gas.

So, life goes on…

You are the capable parent and the baby your constant, ever-needy companion.

Then, one day, you are wearing that same baby in a forward facing carrier and she grabs a steak knife from the dish dry rack, and you think, “woah! This kid can do stuff!”.

At least that’s how it happened for me…

You showed me that day you had mastered something that had challenged you from the moment of your birth. You showed me a level of persistence I never recognized in myself.

At the same time you validated my own struggles, as I too was once a frustrated infant learning how to maneuver through this great big world.

We are born with universal challenges, as well as the universal desire to overcome these challenges. Sometimes we learn these things out of order. Some lead fulfilling and miraculous lives without conquering any of them. Still, as a general rule, we are born helpless, and we struggle to complete:

1 – learn to control your arms
2- learn to walk
3- learn to talk
4- step into your role in our family

And here is where I want to sit, for a moment, if we could.

I know you have done more than your share of the housework over the years (there is, after all, a reason I affectionately call you, “CinderRiley”), and I wanted to take a moment to say how very much you are appreciated.

Now, you and I both know that what you do around here is not to be limited to the role of “cleaning lady.”

Let me state for the record: I never intended to co-parent with one of my children, and I certainly hope that is not what you feel your role in our home is. 

But I do hope that over your years of contributing to the running of our home and to the development of your siblings, your life has been greatly enriched. I will promise you that if you continue as you have been, your future relationships with your siblings will bring you much satisfaction and fulfillment. 

Your siblings are a gift, and I so adore watching you cherish one another.

Thank you for making this project of “Our Family” so full of wonder and joy.

Love you,


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