I’ve started narrating my short stories. Hubby and I think they could sell. I’m really pleased with “And the Mom Ran Away With the Moon” came out, and so far the only person I’ve sent it to had rave reviews.
Love that.
Anyway I’ve got the book up for quality review (QR) at FindAwayVoices. I’ll come back and hyperlink in a second.
Anyway, more drama today in that I’m struggling with Mailerlite and my newsletter. It was schedlued to go out at 10:13* today but I can’t send it until I get my answer from Mailerlite.
Thanks okay. I am learning patience during the process. I have no choice.
Almost time to write. TTYL
*Just remembered – I couldn’t schedule it for 10:13 because it would only schedule in quarter hours. So I picked 10:15